20 August 2013


Ahhh, moving house. Everyone's favourite activity. NOT.

I hear that moving into a new home is one of the most stressful things about being alive for most people these days. And it's true. But the thing is, the most stressful part can be handled if you hire a service to pack everything in the house and then move it into the new house. I will have to say, that surely is THE BEST way to move house. Not only is it fast, it saves so much back pain. And people who do that for a living get money to support their families. Cool.

But you still have to unpack the seemingly endless boxes and unwrap the seemingly endless paper. The rubbish pile accumulates to mountainous sizes. Once you get used to it though, it's not really that bad. As long as the mentality stays one room at a time with a positive optimistic attitude.

It may not be immediately obvious, but moving house is actually typically a nice bonding experience and you see who your real friends are. Especially if you don't go for a moving service. ;D It's always cool to go through stuff while unpacking and talking about how much stuff you have that you had no idea that you had. Like the tonnes of fine china that belonged to my great grandmother. I don't remember ever having fine china or ever dining with it. Apparently that is a shame and I've lived a sheltered life. ;D I have never seen so many spiffy little tea cups. Tea party for 4 families? :D

There's just something about organising stuff in the new place that's part of the excitement of it being new. It was cool to unpack my room. Not just because it was the quickest and required the least effort, but also because it's a fresh new start for me. It's been fun to unpack all my stuff I brought here with me. I went and got a desk and chair and built those.

Now I have a cozy bed, a nice desk, everything. Except WiFi. My room is the only room in the house where the WiFi connection is really bad or nonexistent on my mobile devices. But that shall change very soon when I unpack the range extenders. Yay. :D

Yeah. I'm loving this nice new place. It's roomy and cozy. A bit chaotic still as the unpacking/rennovating saga continues. With all the lighting reforms, painting sessions (which I have not had to take part in except a little taping), and getting some new furniture and whatnot and stuff. It took me forever today for some reason just to hook up a basic functioning Living Room A/V setup. Embarrassing, I know. :S But I must say this house is coming together quite nicely.

Then Aunt Marina (and her four Shih Tzu kids) arrives with this big truck full of stuff of her own to move in. A good friend of hers stayed a little while to help unload and unpack a little bit. It actually was not as much stuff or as bad as I thought it was going to be. But then again, in general, we seem to have a lot more to unpack than we thought we even had. That small-ish minimalist house we came from seemed to hide away stuff very well. She did some personalisation of the place herself. Including adding a not-so-welcomed Redskins hat to the Dad's classy decorative foyer gnome. Crazy Redskins fan. Let's hope she doesn't get herself evicted from Texas cheering too loud for the Skins.

I love unpacking as much as the next guy but I just can't wait until it's over. Soon enough I get my TX drivers license (which thankfully will be quick and easy) and start applying for jobs. YAY for making my own money!

I'm liking where life is going so far. I think moving down here to Dad's has been a good move. Yee haw! (Because everyone TOTALLY says that round here in Houston, Texas.)

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